Olive oil production

The old days, olives were transported to the mills by animals and were stored in a small room. Then, they were thrown on the threshing floor , a large circular place , on which two revolving stones mashed them. In the mill, the stones were rotated manually or with the help of an animal and later mechanically. When the mashing had ended, the mixture fell on the threshing floor through a small exit. Consequently, the pulp was carried by bulks and placed in large sacks stacked on top of one another in the press. At the top of the press, a thick sheet metal was placed and squeezed the pulp, while someone else threw over hot water . The olive juice fell through , where the water was left at the in modern mills separation is not done by pressure and squeezing, but by centrifugation for greater speed and purity. Now days, all the rest processes are mechanically done.bottom and the oil came to the surface. 

The separation was done by hand with the help of a spoon. In modern mills separation is not done by pressure and squeezing, but by centrifugation for greater speed and purity. Now days, all the rest processes are mechanically done.